Our Team
Alan Foster
Alan first traveled to Panama, following his studies in engineering, to serve as a Peace Corps volunteer in 2005, helping indigenous communities gain access to clean water. He loves the work and loves the people, and only left for a short time to track down his wife in Hawaii. They live in rural eastern Panama with their two children and a bunch of animals, operating through Friends of the Great Commission and Solea Water. He has a B.S. in Biosystems Engineering from Clemson University.
Freire Mémbora
Freire is a master artisan and craftsman of the Wounaan tribe. Originally from a village on the Membrillo River, he and his family now live outside of Panama City where his children have access to higher education. Freire has close friendships with many artisans of the Wounaan and Emberá tribes and visits numerous communities on a regular basis. He enjoys promoting the use of his native language among young people and pastoring a small church.
Stephen Foster
Stephen is currently an attorney with an appellate court in Columbia, South Carolina. Prior to becoming an attorney, he was a Green Beret in the U.S. Army Special Forces and an Iraq veteran. He has also worked for several start-up telecommunications ventures. He has a J.D. and M.B.A. from U.S.C. and a BA from Clemson Univeristy.
Daydut Mémbora
Daydut is Freire's eldest daughter. She has a passion for learning and came to know the Fosters while staying in their home for a workshop on videography, photography, and film making. Daydut continues her studies as an English major at University of Panama and loves visiting villages when her schedule permits. She is passionate about serving and connecting with others and would love to speak with you!